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phan: Specify a config file (defaults to `.phan/config.php`).
$ phan --config-file ${path-to-config-php}
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The command "phan --config-file ${path-to-config-php}" is used to run the Phan static analyzer tool with a specific configuration file.

Phan is a static analysis tool for PHP that helps identify potential issues and bugs in PHP code. By running Phan, you can analyze your codebase for errors, inconsistencies, and possible improvements.

In the command, "phan" refers to the executable/program file for Phan. "--config-file" is an argument option that specifies the path to the configuration file for Phan. The value "${path-to-config-php}" should be replaced with the actual path to your desired configuration file.

The configuration file for Phan allows you to customize various aspects of the analysis, such as the list of files or directories to be scanned, the ruleset to be applied, and any additional options or plugins to be used. By specifying the configuration file path, you can set up Phan to use your preferred analysis settings.

Overall, this command runs Phan with the specified configuration file, enabling you to analyze your PHP codebase for potential issues and bugs according to your specified configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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