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phive: Remove unused Phar files.
$ phive purge
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The command "phive purge" is used to remove all locally installed PHAR files managed by PHIVE (PHP Archive Manager).

PHIVE is a tool used to easily install, update, and manage PHP archive (PHAR) files. PHAR files are PHP packages that contain various resources such as libraries, command-line tools, and web applications, bundled into a single executable file.

When you run the "phive purge" command, it instructs PHIVE to remove all PHAR files that were previously installed on your local system. This can be useful when you want to clean up and remove unnecessary PHAR files.

It is important to note that this command only removes the local copies of PHAR files and not the actual packages themselves. To reinstall and use the PHAR files, you may have to run the "phive install" command again.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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