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Articles in our magazine for php:

PHP and the Command Line: the perfect match

PHP happens mostly in the IDE and with the command line you come into contact less often. Nevertheless, there are many helpful commands.

List of commands for php:

  • php:ai:35a17 Returns the current PHP version
    $ php -v
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  • php:ai:9b080 Retrieve ext-mongodb version
    $ php -i | grep mongo -C 2 | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}'
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  • php:ai:9fbda Get the version of an installed PHP extension
    $ php -i | grep ${extension_name} | grep 'Version'
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  • php:code-beautifier-and-fixer:install:dev Install "PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer" from a Composer package as a dev dependency
    $ composer require --dev squizlabs/php_codesniffer
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  • php:code-beautifier-and-fixer:run Run PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer
    $ php vendor/bin/phpcbf
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  • php:code:run Run PHP code (Notes: Don't use tags; escape double quotes with backslash).
    $ php -r "${code}"
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  • php:config:show Show the PHP configuration for the CLI version
    $ php -i
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  • php:extensions:list Get a list of installed PHP extensions.
    $ php -m
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  • php:function:information Display information about a specific function.
    $ php --rf ${function_name}
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  • php:ini:which Show the location of the php.ini file (CLI)
    $ php -i | grep php\.ini
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  • php:install Install PHP.
    $ apt-get install php
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  • php:lint Check for syntax errors in php files (linting)
    $ php -l ${filename}
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  • php:phar:decompress Decompress a phar file to a given directory
    $ php -r '$phar = new Phar("${phar_file}"); $phar->extractTo("${directory_to_decompress_to}");'
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  • php:run:interactively Run PHP interactively.
    $ php -a
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  • php:script:run Run a PHP CLI script
    $ php ${filename}
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  • php:script:run:memory_limit Run a PHP CLI script with a defined memory limit
    $ php -d memory_limit=${limit_in_megabyte}M ${filename}
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  • php:server:start Starting the built-in web server
    $ php -S localhost:8000
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  • php:version:install Install a given PHP version.
    $ sudo apt install software-properties-common
    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install php${version}
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