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php-artisan: Generate a new Eloquent model class with a migration, factory and resource controller.
$ php artisan make:model ${ModelName} --all
try on your machine

This command is used in the Laravel framework for generating a new model class file with all necessary components. Let's break it down:

  • php artisan: This is the command to interact with Laravel's artisan command-line interface, which provides various commands for managing your Laravel application.
  • make:model: This is the command to create a new model class file.
  • ${ModelName}: This is a placeholder value that you need to replace with the name of the model you want to create. It should be in CamelCase format, e.g., User, Post, etc.
  • --all: This is an option that tells Laravel to generate all the common components associated with a model. When included, Laravel will create a migration file, a factory class, and a seeder class in addition to the model class file.

By running this command, Laravel will generate the following files:

  1. ${ModelName}.php: The model class file itself, located in the app/ directory.
  2. ${ModelName}Factory.php: A factory class file associated with this model, which can be used to generate fake data for testing purposes. Located in the database/factories/ directory.
  3. ${ModelName}Seeder.php: A seeder class file associated with this model, which can be used to seed (populate) the model's related database table with initial data. Located in the database/seeders/ directory.
  4. ${timestamp}_create_${table_name}_table.php: A migration file containing a skeleton for creating a new database table associated with this model. ${timestamp} is the current timestamp appended to the migration file name, and ${table_name} is the pluralized, snake_case version of the model name. The migration file is located in the database/migrations/ directory.

These generated files provide a starting point for working with the model, as well as preparing the necessary database structure for storing data related to this model.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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