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php-artisan: Start PHP's built-in web server for the current Laravel application.
$ php artisan serve
try on your machine

The command "php artisan serve" is used in Laravel, a PHP framework, to start a local development server. When executing this command in the terminal, it instructs the PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) to run the built-in server provided by Laravel.

Here's what happens when you run this command:

  1. "php" - Invokes the PHP interpreter.
  2. "artisan" - Refers to the command-line tool provided by Laravel.
  3. "serve" - A command used to start the development server.

Once you run the command, Laravel's development server starts, and you will see a message indicating the URL where the server is running, usually "localhost:8000" by default. You can now access your Laravel application by visiting this URL in your web browser.

This command is handy during development as it allows you to quickly test your application without the need for configuring an external server. However, note that this built-in server is not suitable for production environments and is recommended only for local development.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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