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php-cs-fixer: Display files that require fixing.
$ php-cs-fixer list-files
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The command php-cs-fixer list-files is used to list all the files that would be fixed by PHP CS Fixer without actually making any modifications to the files.

PHP CS Fixer is a tool that automatically fixes PHP coding standards issues in a project. It can be configured with a set of rules to enforce coding styles and conventions. The list-files command is one of the commands provided by PHP CS Fixer.

When you run php-cs-fixer list-files, it scans the files in your project directory and checks them against the defined rules. Instead of making any changes, it simply lists the files that have issues and would be modified if you were to run the fix command. This is helpful if you want to review the files that would be impacted before actually applying the changes.

For example, if you have a PHP project with multiple files that violate coding standards, running php-cs-fixer list-files would show you a list of those files without modifying them. You can then decide whether to run the fix command to make the necessary changes or not.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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