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phpcbf: Specify a coding standard to validate against.
$ phpcbf ${path-to-directory} --standard ${standard}
try on your machine

The command phpcbf is a tool used in PHP programming to automatically fix coding standard violations.

The ${path-to-directory} represents the path to the directory or folder where your PHP files are located. This is the directory that will be analyzed and any coding standard violations will be automatically fixed.

The --standard ${standard} is an optional flag that specifies the coding standard or rule set to be used for fixing the violations. The ${standard} represents the specific coding standard you want to enforce. For example, it could be "PSR2" which is a popular coding standard for PHP.

So, when you run the command phpcbf ${path-to-directory} --standard ${standard}, the phpcbf tool will scan all PHP files in the specified directory, identify any coding standard violations, and automatically fix them according to the specified coding standard.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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