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phpcbf: A comma-separated list of files to load before processing.
$ phpcbf ${path-to-directory} --bootstrap ${file(s)}
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The given command is a command-line instruction for running a tool called "phpcbf" with certain arguments.

  1. "phpcbf": This refers to the PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer (phpcbf) tool. It is used for automatically fixing and beautifying PHP code based on certain coding standards.

  2. "${path-to-directory}": This is a placeholder representing the path to the directory that contains the PHP files you want to analyze and fix using phpcbf. You need to replace this placeholder with the actual path to your desired directory.

  3. "--bootstrap": This is an argument that specifies the file or files to be included before the actual execution of phpcbf. It is used to load any necessary files or setup code before analyzing or fixing the PHP files. You need to replace "${file(s)}" with the actual file(s) you want to include before running phpcbf.

Overall, the command is telling the phpcbf tool to analyze PHP files within a specified directory (${path-to-directory}) and execute any necessary setup code specified in the "--bootstrap ${file(s)}" argument before making any adjustments or fixes to the code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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