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phpcpd: Specify a minimum number of identical lines (defaults to 5).
$ phpcpd --min-lines ${number_of_lines} ${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine

The command you provided is used to run the "phpcpd" tool with certain options. Here is an explanation of each part:

  • "phpcpd": It refers to the PHP Copy/Paste Detector (phpcpd) tool. It is a command-line utility used to detect duplicate code in PHP projects.

  • "--min-lines": This option is used to set a minimum number of identical lines required for a code segment to be considered a duplication. "${number_of_lines}" should be replaced with the desired minimum number of lines.

  • "${number_of_lines}": It represents the variable that holds the user-defined minimum number of lines for the "--min-lines" option. Replace it with an actual number.

  • "${filename_or_directory}": It stands for the variable that holds the name of a specific PHP file or a directory containing PHP files that you want to analyze for duplicate code. Replace it with the path to the desired file or directory.

By executing this command with the appropriate parameter values, you will be able to analyze a PHP codebase for duplicated code segments that meet the specified minimum line requirement.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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