phpcpd: Output the results to a PHP-CPD XML file.
$ phpcpd --log-pmd ${path-to-log_file} ${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine
The command "phpcpd --log-pmd ${path-to-log_file} ${filename_or_directory}" is used to detect code duplication in PHP files and generate a report in PMD (Project Mess Detector) format, which can be useful for further analysis or integration with other tools.
Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:
- "phpcpd" refers to the PHP Copy/Paste Detector, which is a command-line tool used to identify duplicated code in PHP projects.
- "--log-pmd" is an option flag used to specify the output format of the generated report. In this case, it will be generated in PMD format.
- "${path-to-log_file}" is the path where the generated report will be saved. You need to provide the full path along with the desired file name and extension. For example, "/path/to/log_file.xml".
- "${filename_or_directory}" refers to the target PHP file or directory that you want to analyze for code duplication. You can specify a single file or a directory containing multiple files. If a directory is given, phpcpd will search for PHP files recursively within that directory.
Overall, running this command will execute phpcpd, analyze the specified PHP files or directories for duplicated code, and generate a PMD report at the provided path.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.