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phpcpd: Analyze using fuzzy matching for variable names.
$ phpcpd --fuzzy ${filename_or_directory}
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The command you provided phpcpd --fuzzy ${filename_or_directory} is used to find duplicated code in PHP files and directories using the PHP Copy/Paste Detector (PHPCPD) tool, with the inclusion of a fuzzy matching feature.

Let's break down the command and its components:

  • phpcpd: This is the command to run the PHPCPD tool. It stands for "PHP Copy/Paste Detector" and it is used to detect duplicate code in PHP projects.
  • --fuzzy: This option enables fuzzy matching, which means that code blocks with minor differences like variable names or whitespace will still be detected as similar or duplicated.
  • ${filename_or_directory}: This is a placeholder representing the path to a specific file or directory that you want to check for duplicated code. You need to replace ${filename_or_directory} with the actual path to the desired PHP file or directory.

For example, if you want to check a single file named example.php, you would use:

phpcpd --fuzzy example.php

If you want to check a directory called src (which contains multiple PHP files), you would use:

phpcpd --fuzzy src

By running this command, PHPCPD will analyze the PHP files within the specified file or directory and output any duplicated code found. The fuzzy matching feature helps to identify code blocks that are similar but not an exact copy, making it more powerful in detecting duplicate code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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