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phpdox: Generate documentation for the current working directory.
$ phpdox
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The phpdox is a command-line tool used in PHP development for generating documentation for a PHP project. It analyzes the PHP codebase and generates various types of documentation, including API documentation, class diagrams, dependency graphs, and more.

The command syntax for phpdox is as follows:

phpdox [options] <command> [arguments]

The available commands include:

  • --help: Displays the help information for phpdox and its commands.
  • --version: Prints the version of phpdox being used.
  • --config: Specifies a configuration file for phpdox.
  • --exclude: Excludes specific directories or files from the documentation process.
  • --merge: Merges multiple phpdox XML reports into a single report.
  • --report: Generates different types of reports, such as HTML, XML, or text.
  • --test: Runs a set of predefined tests to check the environment or configuration.

Overall, phpdox is a powerful tool for PHP developers to generate detailed and comprehensive documentation for their projects, aiding in understanding and maintaining the codebase.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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