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phpdox: Only run the metadata collection process.
$ phpdox --collector
try on your machine

The command "phpdox --collector" is used in the PHPDox tool to execute the collector process.

PHPDox is a documentation generator for PHP projects, which extracts information from the source code and generates the corresponding documentation.

The "--collector" flag specifies that the collector process should be run. The collector process is responsible for scanning the source code files and extracting various information such as classes, functions, methods, properties, comments, etc. This information is then used by PHPDox to generate the documentation.

By executing the command "phpdox --collector", PHPDox will run the collector process and gather all the necessary information from the source code files to generate the documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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