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phpquery: List available SAPIs for PHP 7.3.
$ sudo phpquery -v ${7-3} -S
try on your machine

This command contains the following elements:

  • sudo: This is a command used in Unix-based systems that allows a user with the appropriate permissions to execute a command as the superuser or another user. It is often required when performing tasks that require higher privileges.

  • phpquery: This is likely a custom or specific command or script that is being executed. Without further information, it is difficult to determine its exact functionality or purpose. However, it appears to be a command related to PHP and querying something.

  • -v: This is a flag or option passed to the phpquery command. It is common for commands to have various options or flags that modify their behavior. In this case, -v could indicate a verbose output, providing more detailed information during execution.

  • ${7-3}: This is a syntax used to refer to the value of a variable in Unix-based systems. ${7-3} suggests that it references the value of the seventh argument passed to the command $7 with a fallback value of 3 if the seventh argument is not provided. This value could be used as an argument for the phpquery command.

  • -S: This is another flag or option passed to the phpquery command. Without context or more information about the specific phpquery command, it is difficult to determine its exact functionality. However, typically, command line options starting with a hyphen (-) modify the behavior of the command.

To fully understand the purpose and functionality of this command, more details about the specific phpquery command and its expected input are required.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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