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Specify a memory limit during analysis.
$ phpstan analyse ${path/to/directory} --memory-limit ${memory_limit}
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This is a command for the PHP static analysis tool called PHPStan.

phpstan is the name of the command.

analyse is the subcommand used to analyze the code.

${path/to/directory} specifies the directory that contains the code to be analyzed.

--memory-limit ${memory_limit} is an optional flag that sets the memory limit for PHPStan. The ${memory_limit} is a placeholder for a specific memory limit you want to set, such as "512M" or "1024M". This flag is used to prevent PHPStan from running out of resources when analyzing large codebases.

Overall, this command tells PHPStan to analyze the code in the specified directory with a specific memory limit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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