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phpunit: Run tests annotated with the given group.
$ phpunit --group ${name}
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The command "phpunit --group ${name}" is used to run PHPUnit tests that belong to a specific group.

In PHPUnit, groups are a way to categorize your tests. It allows you to selectively run tests based on their group membership. By using the "--group" option followed by the name of the group, the command specifies that only the tests belonging to that particular group should be executed.

The value of "${name}" is a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the name of the desired group when running the command. This allows you to easily run tests of different groups without modifying the command itself each time.

For example, if you have two groups called "group1" and "group2", you can run the tests in "group1" by executing: "phpunit --group group1". Similarly, if you want to run the tests in "group2", you would use: "phpunit --group group2".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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