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piactl: Display the current VPN region.
$ piactl get region
try on your machine

The command "piactl get region" is used to retrieve the current server region setting in a Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN client or application.

PIA is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service that allows users to establish a secure connection to the internet through its network of servers located in various regions around the world. The server region determines the physical location of the server that the user's internet traffic is routed through when they connect to the VPN.

When you run the command "piactl get region", it sends a request to the PIA application to display the currently selected server region. The response will indicate the region name, such as "United States," "United Kingdom," "Canada," or any other available region provided by PIA.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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