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picom-trans: Set the currently focused window opacity to a specific percentage.
$ picom-trans --current --opacity ${90}
try on your machine

This command, "picom-trans --current --opacity ${90}", is likely used to adjust the opacity of the currently active window using the "picom-trans" tool or script.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "picom-trans": It refers to a specific utility or script called "picom-trans," which is likely used to manipulate window transparency and other visual effects.
  • "--current": This flag instructs the "picom-trans" tool to target the currently active window for opacity adjustment.
  • "--opacity ${90}": This flag sets the desired opacity level for the targeted window. In this case, it sets the opacity to 90%. The "${90}" syntax indicates that 90 is a variable or placeholder that may be replaced with a different value depending on the context.

Overall, this command is most likely used to change the transparency or opacity of the currently focused window in order to achieve a desired visual effect.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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