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picom: Use a custom configuration file.
$ picom --config ${path-to-config_file}
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This command is used to start the picom compositor with a custom configuration file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • picom: This is the actual command to start the picom compositor. Picom is a standalone compositor for X, which provides compositing window manager capabilities. It adds effects like transparency, shadows, and animations to make the user interface visually appealing.

  • --config: This is a command-line option used to specify the path to the custom configuration file. A configuration file contains various settings and options that control the behavior of picom, such as enabling or disabling specific effects, defining opacity rules, or specifying backend options.

  • ${path-to-config_file}: This is a placeholder that represents the actual path to your custom configuration file. You need to replace ${path-to-config_file} with the actual file path on your system, for example: ~/.config/picom.conf or /etc/picom.conf, depending on where you have your configuration file stored.

By including the --config option followed by the path to your custom configuration file, the command ensures that picom starts with the specified configuration settings instead of the default ones.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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