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pihole: Check the Pi-hole daemon's status.
$ pihole status
try on your machine

The command "pihole status" is used to check the status of the Pi-hole software running on a Raspberry Pi or other compatible device.

Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker that works by acting as a DNS sinkhole. It filters out advertisements and unwanted content before they can reach devices on a local network, improving the overall browsing experience.

When you run the "pihole status" command, it displays the current status of the Pi-hole software. This typically includes information such as the version of Pi-hole, the status of the DNS service, the number of domains being blocked, and some other relevant information.

The command is often used to quickly check whether Pi-hole is running properly, and if any issues are encountered, it can help identify potential problems or error messages that may require further investigation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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