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ping: Ping `host` and prints the time a packet was received (this option is an Apple addition).
$ ping --apple-time "${host}"
try on your machine

The given command is using the ping utility with the option "--apple-time" and the argument "${host}".

The ping command is commonly used in network troubleshooting to test the connection and measure the response time between a source device (your computer) and a destination device (in this case, "${host}").

The "--apple-time" option is a specific option in macOS that modifies the output format of the ping command. It replaces the standard output format with an Apple-specific format that includes additional information like the timestamp, round trip time, packet size, and TTL (time to live). This option is only available in macOS.

"${host}" is a placeholder indicating that a specific host or IP address should be provided as an argument to the command. It is expected that a valid IP address or hostname should replace "${host}" to indicate the destination device or server to ping.

So, running the given command with a specific host argument would initiate a series of pings to that particular host or IP address in macOS, and the output would be presented in a modified Apple-specific format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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