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pinky: Display details in the long format.
$ pinky ${user} -l
try on your machine

The command "pinky ${user} -l" is a command-line instruction that involves the usage of the "pinky" command.


"Pinky" is a command commonly found in Unix-like operating systems that displays information about a user, including their login name, real name, terminal, idle time, login time, and more.

"${user}" is a placeholder that represents a variable or argument that should be substituted with an actual value. In this case, it would be replaced with the specific user's login name who is being queried.

"-l" is an option or flag that can be used with the "pinky" command. It specifies that the command should display detailed information or a long format output about the specified user.

Therefore, when executing the command "pinky ${user} -l", it would display extensive information about the user specified by the value in the "${user}" variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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