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pinky: Display details about the current user.
$ pinky
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The "pinky" command is used in Unix-like operating systems to display information about users on the system. When you run the "pinky" command, it provides a list of users currently logged in, their login names, real names, terminal device, idle time, and login time.

The command is useful for quickly checking who is logged into the system and obtaining basic information about their activities. The output can help system administrators or users identify who might be using the system, how long they have been idle, and when they logged in.

Here is an example of the output from the "pinky" command:

Login    Name                 TTY Idle    When            Where
jdoe     John Doe             pts/0      5   Sep 23 10:15
asmith   Alice Smith           tty1             Sep 25 07:30

In this example, it shows that John Doe is logged in on the "pts/0" terminal and has been idle for 5 minutes. Alice Smith is logged in on the "tty1" terminal but hasn't been idle for any length of time.

Overall, the "pinky" command is a simple tool for retrieving user login information on UNIX-like systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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