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pinta: Open specific files.
$ pinta ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}
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The command "pinta ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}" is using the application "pinta" to open multiple images at once.


  1. "pinta" is a cross-platform image editing and drawing application.
  2. The "${...}" syntax is a way to pass command line arguments to the application. In this case, it is used to specify the paths of the images that need to be opened.
  3. "${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}" indicates that the paths to the images should be provided after the command, separated by spaces. The "---" is used to indicate the end of the options and the beginning of the image paths.
  4. Replace "path-to-image1" and "path-to-image2" with the actual file paths of the images you want to open. You can add more image paths if needed.

Example: If you want to open two images named "image1.jpg" and "image2.jpg" located in the "/home/user/images/" directory, the command would be: pinta /home/user/images/image1.jpg /home/user/images/image2.jpg

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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