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pip-uninstall: Uninstall packages listed in a specific file.
$ pip uninstall --requirement ${path-to-requirements-txt}
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The command "pip uninstall --requirement ${path-to-requirements-txt}" is used to uninstall multiple Python packages listed in a requirements.txt file.

Here's a breakdown of its components:

  1. "pip" is a package management system used to install and manage Python packages.
  2. "uninstall" is the pip command used to remove installed packages.
  3. "--requirement" is an option that specifies that the package names to be uninstalled are provided in a requirements file.
    • A requirements file is a plain text file that lists all the packages and their versions to be installed or uninstalled.
    • The format of the requirements file typically includes one package name per line.
  4. "${path-to-requirements-txt}" is a placeholder representing the actual file path of the requirements.txt file.
    • The path should be replaced with the appropriate file path on your system.

By executing this command, pip will read the requirements.txt file provided and uninstall all the packages listed within it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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