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pivpn: List all client devices.
$ sudo pivpn list
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The command "sudo pivpn list" is used in PiVPN, which is a tool that allows you to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) server on your Raspberry Pi. This command is used to list the active VPN clients connected to your PiVPN server.

sudo: It is a command used in Linux systems to perform administrative tasks with root privileges. The "sudo" command allows the user to execute the subsequent command as a superuser.

pivpn: It refers to the PiVPN command-line tool used to manage the VPN server on a Raspberry Pi.

list: It is the command to display a list or view of something. In this case, by using "sudo pivpn list," you are asking for a list of active VPN clients connected to your PiVPN server.

So, by executing "sudo pivpn list," you can see the active VPN clients connected to your PiVPN server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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