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pkg-config: Compile your code with libgtk-3, libwebkit2gtk-4.0 and all their dependencies.
$ c++ example.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0 webkit2gtk-4.0) -o example
try on your machine

This command is used to compile a C++ program called "example.cpp" that uses the GTK+ 3 and WebKit2GTK+ 4 libraries.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  1. "c++": This is the compiler command, indicating that we want to compile a C++ program.
  2. "example.cpp": This is the name of the C++ source file that we want to compile.
  3. "$(pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0 webkit2gtk-4.0)": This is a command substitution in the shell. The "pkg-config" command is used to retrieve the flags and libraries needed to compile and link against the specified libraries (GTK+ 3 and WebKit2GTK+ 4 in this case). The "--cflags" option retrieves the compilation flags, and the "--libs" option retrieves the linker flags.
  4. "-o example": This option specifies the output file name for the compiled program. In this case, the output file will be named "example".

So, overall, this command compiles the "example.cpp" file using the C++ compiler and includes the necessary flags and libraries for GTK+ 3 and WebKit2GTK+ 4. The resulting executable is named "example".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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