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pkginfo: List the owner(s) of files matching a pattern.
$ pkginfo -o ${pattern}
try on your machine

The command pkginfo -o ${pattern} is used to obtain information about installed software packages on a Unix or Unix-like system.

Here's an explanation of the various components:

  • pkginfo: It is the name of the command-line utility used to fetch package information on the system.
  • -o: This option is used to specify the output format for the package information. In this case, the output format will depend on the value of the ${pattern} variable.
  • ${pattern}: It is a placeholder for a pattern or wildcard character(s) that represent the name or a part of the name of the package(s) you want to retrieve information for. The actual pattern should be provided when using the command. For example, if you want information about all packages starting with "abc", you would specify ${pattern} as abc*.

When you run the command with a specific pattern, it will search the system's package database and display information about the installed packages that match the provided pattern. The output typically includes details like the package name, version, architecture, description, and other relevant information about each package.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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