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pkgmk: Ignore the MD5 sum when making a package.
$ pkgmk -d -im
try on your machine

The command pkgmk -d -im is used in some Unix-like operating systems to create a software package. Let's break down its components:

  • pkgmk: This is the command itself, used for creating packages.
  • -d: This flag specifies the directory where the package will be created. When using this flag, you need to provide the directory path after it. For example, -d /path/to/directory.
  • -im: This flag stands for "ignore missing" and is used to ignore any missing files or directories that are specified in the package's prototype file. The prototype file is a list of files and directories that should be included in the package. By using this flag, the pkgmk command will proceed with creating the package even if some files or directories are missing.

So, when you execute pkgmk -d -im, you are telling the command to create a package while specifying the package directory as well as instructing it to ignore any missing files or directories that would normally cause an error.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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