pkgmk: Ignore the footprint when making a package.
$ pkgmk -d -if
try on your machine
The command "pkgmk -d -if" is used in the Solaris operating system to create a package from a prototype file.
Here's a breakdown of each component:
- "pkgmk" is the command itself, which is used to create Solaris packages.
- "-d" specifies the location of the prototype file. This file contains a list of files, directories, and other package-related information that will be included in the package.
- "-if" is an option that tells pkgmk to ignore any previously existing package element files or directories. This ensures that the package is built from scratch, without any remnants of previous package builds.
Overall, the command "pkgmk -d -if" initiates the package creation process, using the specified prototype file and ignoring any existing package elements.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.