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Auto-generate Playwright tests with Codegen
$ npx playwright codegen ${url}
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The command npx playwright codegen ${url} is used to generate code using Playwright, an automation library for web browsers.

Here's a breakdown of each component in the command:

  • npx is a command-line tool used to run Node.js packages.
  • playwright refers to the Playwright package.
  • codegen is a subcommand provided by Playwright that generates code for interacting with web pages.
  • ${url} is a placeholder for the URL of the webpage you want to generate code for.

When you execute this command, Playwright connects to the specified URL and automatically generates code in the programming language of your choice (JavaScript, Python, or C#). The generated code will include interactions like clicking buttons, filling forms, or capturing screenshots, allowing you to automate actions on the specified webpage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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