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plenv: Display help.
$ plenv
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plenv is a command-line utility used to manage multiple versions of the Perl programming language on a single system. It stands for "Perl environment" and is similar to other language version managers like nvm for Node.js or pyenv for Python.

When you run the plenv command, it allows you to install and switch between different versions of Perl seamlessly. This is useful when you need to work on projects that require different Perl versions or when you want to test your code against different Perl releases.

Some common plenv commands include:

  • plenv install - Installs a specific version of Perl.
  • plenv versions - Lists all the Perl versions installed on your system.
  • plenv global - Sets the default Perl version for your user.
  • plenv local - Sets a specific Perl version for a particular directory.
  • plenv shell - Sets a specific Perl version for the current shell session.
  • plenv uninstall - Removes a Perl version from your system.

Overall, plenv helps simplify the process of managing Perl versions, making it easier to develop and deploy Perl-based applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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