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Open the Plesk main configuration file in the default editor.
$ plesk conf ${panel-ini}
try on your machine

As an AI language model, I cannot say for certain which exact action the command "plesk conf ${panel-ini}" performs without more context or information about your specific situation. However, I can explain what some components of this command generally refer to:

"Plesk" is a web hosting control panel software that allows users to manage web servers, websites, applications, and other web-related services.

The "conf" command is often an abbreviation for "configuration," which generally refers to the settings of a specific piece of software or technology.

"${panel-ini}" is a variable that stores the name of the Plesk configuration file where the settings are stored. The value of this variable could vary based on your server setup and version of Plesk.

Taken together, the "plesk conf ${panel-ini}" command could be used to access and potentially modify the configuration settings of your Plesk web hosting control panel software. However, it's important to note that making changes to configuration files can impact the functionality and stability of your entire software environment, so modifications should usually only be made by experienced or qualified system administrators.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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