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Install Plesk control panel via the command line
$ sh <(curl || wget -O -
try on your machine

This is a Bash command that downloads and executes the Plesk one-click installer script using either curl or wget. Here is what the individual parts of the command are doing:

  • sh: This is invoking the Bash shell, which will execute the script.
  • <: This symbol is called a 'process substitution', which allows the output of a command to be used as input to another command.
  • (curl || wget -O - This is a command group that uses either curl or wget to download the Plesk one-click installer script, depending on which one is available on the system. If one command fails, the other one will be tried instead.
  • ||: This is a logical OR operator that separates the two commands in the group. If the first command fails (returns a non-zero status), the second command will be executed.
  • wget -O -: This is the command that would be used if curl is not available. It downloads the file from the given URL and sends the output to stdout (the terminal), because of the - option.
  • curl This is the command that would be used if curl is available. It downloads the file from the given URL and sends the output to stdout.

Overall, this command will download the Plesk one-click installer script and execute it, which will begin the installation of Plesk on the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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