The command "pluma --list-encodings" is used to display a list of available text encodings in the Pluma text editor.
Pluma is a popular text editor in Linux-based systems, and it is the default text editor for the Mate desktop environment. It provides various features and options for editing text files.
In this specific command, "--list-encodings" is an option that you pass to the Pluma command. When this option is provided, Pluma will generate and display a list of available text encodings supported by the editor.
Text encoding refers to how characters are represented and stored in a file. Different encodings are required to support different languages, character sets, and scripts. The encodings could include ASCII, UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, and many more.
By using the "pluma --list-encodings" command, you can view the available text encodings supported by Pluma, which can be helpful when working with files that have specific encoding requirements.