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pluma: Start the editor.
$ pluma
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The command "pluma" refers to a text editor called Pluma. Pluma is a lightweight and easy-to-use text editor that is often used in the Linux environment, specifically with the MATE desktop environment.

When the "pluma" command is executed in the terminal, it opens the Pluma text editor. This allows you to create, edit, and save text files directly from the command line. Once the Pluma editor is launched, you can start typing and editing your text, and use various features provided by the editor such as syntax highlighting, line numbering, search and replace, and more.

In summary, the "pluma" command is used to open and utilize the Pluma text editor in the Linux environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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