pm: List all installed system apps.
$ pm list packages -s
try on your machine
The command "pm list packages -s" is used in Android devices to list all the installed packages on the system with additional information about their installation status.
Here's the breakdown of the command:
- "pm" stands for package manager, a command-line tool that manages applications and their packages on Android.
- "list" is the subcommand used to display a list of packages.
- "packages" specifies that we want a list of package names.
- "-s" is an option or parameter that provides additional details. In this case, it stands for "summary," indicating that we want to include more information about each package, such as the installation status.
By executing this command, a list of installed packages will be displayed on the command-line or terminal window. Along with the package names, you will see information about whether the package is installed or not (status), as well as other details like the version code, install source, and target SDK version.
This command can be useful for various purposes, such as checking if a specific package is installed or getting an overview of all the packages installed on an Android device.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.