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pngquant: Compress a specific PNG as much as possible and write result to a new file.
$ pngquant ${filename-png}
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This command is written using bash scripting syntax. Here's how it can be broken down:

  • pngquant is the name of a command-line program used to reduce the file size of PNG images.
  • ${filename-png} is a variable that is being used in this command.
    • The -png part is a default value that will be used if the variable filename is not set.
    • The ${...} syntax is used to reference the variable. It tells bash to replace ${filename-png} with the value of the filename variable, or -png if the variable is unset.

In summary, this command is using pngquant to work on a PNG file, where the filename of the PNG file is represented by the variable filename. If filename is not set, it will default to -png.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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