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pngquant: Compress a specific PNG and override original.
$ pngquant --ext .png --force ${filename-png}
try on your machine

This command pngquant is being used to optimize and reduce the file size of a PNG image. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • pngquant: It is the name of the command being executed.

  • --ext .png: This option specifies the extension to be used for the output file. In this case, it sets the extension as .png. So, the optimized image will have the same name as the original image, but with the extension .png.

  • --force: This option tells pngquant to overwrite existing output files without prompting for confirmation.

  • ${filename-png}: This is a placeholder representing the name of the PNG image file that you want to optimize. The actual filename needs to be provided when you run the command. ${filename-png} is just an example to indicate where the filename should be placed in the command.

So, when you run this command with the actual filename, pngquant will optimize the PNG image and save the optimized version with the same name by adding the .png extension.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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