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po4a: Update PO files and documents according to the specified config file.
$ po4a ${path-to-config_file}
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The command "po4a" is a multi-format documentation translation tool that automates the process of translating documentation written in various formats such as manpages, HTML, LaTeX, etc.

In this specific command, "po4a" is being executed with an argument ${path-to-config_file}. The ${path-to-config_file} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to a configuration file.

The configuration file passed as an argument contains all the necessary instructions and settings required by po4a to perform the translation. It includes details such as the source and target languages, source and target files, translation method, output format, etc.

When executing the command, po4a will read the configuration file, extract the translatable content from the specified source files, and generate translated documentation in the desired format based on instructions provided in the configuration file.

Overall, this command initiates the translation process using po4a with the provided configuration file to translate documentation into the specified target language.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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