The command "podman build ${path-to-directory}" is used to build an image using Podman.
Here's a breakdown of the components of this command:
"podman build": This is the main command to build images using Podman.
"${path-to-directory}": This is a placeholder representing the path to the directory where the Dockerfile and other necessary files for building the image are located. Usually, this would be replaced with the actual path to the directory on your system.
When you run this command, Podman will look for a Dockerfile within the specified directory. The Dockerfile contains instructions on how to build the image, such as the base image, dependencies, and other configurations. Podman will then use these instructions to create the image.
It's worth mentioning that Podman is a command-line tool that provides a command substitution feature using "${}". This allows you to substitute the placeholder "${path-to-directory}" with the actual path in your terminal or script when running the command.