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podman-compose: Start all containers, building if needed.
$ podman-compose up --build
try on your machine

The command "podman-compose up --build" is used to create and start a set of containers defined in a Podman Compose configuration file (usually docker-compose.yml) and build the containers before starting them.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "podman-compose": It is a command-line tool that allows you to manage and orchestrate containers using Podman (an alternative to Docker).
  • "up": This option starts the containers defined in the Podman Compose configuration file. If the containers are already running, it will restart them.
  • "--build": This option forces the containers to be built before starting them. It ensures that any changes made to the container images or build configurations are reflected in the new containers.

When you run "podman-compose up --build", Podman Compose will read the configuration file and create the necessary containers based on the defined services. It will also build the container images if any changes are detected or if it's the first time you're running the command.

Overall, this command is useful to build and start containerized applications defined in Podman Compose configuration files, providing you with an easy and reproducible way to manage your container-based environments with Podman.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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