The command "podman rmi --no-prune ${image}" is used to remove a specific container image from your system, without automatically pruning (deleting) the unused images.
Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:
"podman": This is the command-line utility used to manage containers, similar to Docker. It allows you to run, manage, and remove containers and container images.
"rmi": This is a shorthand for "remove image". It tells Podman that you want to remove an image from your system.
"--no-prune": This flag disables the automatic pruning of unused images. By default, Podman will remove any images that are not associated with any running or paused containers. However, using the "--no-prune" flag ensures that the image you're trying to remove is not automatically deleted even if it's not currently being used by any containers.
"${image}": This is a placeholder for the name or ID of the image you want to remove. You need to replace "${image}" with the actual name or ID of the image you want to delete before running the command.
By executing this command, you can remove a specific container image from your system without worrying about it being pruned (deleted) by Podman automatically.