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podman: Display the logs of one or more containers and follow log output.
$ podman logs --follow ${container_name} ${container_id}
try on your machine

The command podman logs --follow ${container_name} ${container_id} is used to view and follow (continuously display) the logs of a container in Podman.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • podman: It is the command-line tool used to manage containers using the Podman container engine.
  • logs: This subcommand is used to retrieve and display the logs of a container.
  • --follow: It is an option that allows you to continuously display the logs as new log messages are written. It is similar to the tail -f command in Unix-based systems.
  • ${container_name}: This is the name of the container for which you want to view the logs. It is an optional parameter. If the name is specified, logs for that container will be displayed.
  • ${container_id}: This is the ID of the container for which you want to view the logs. It is an optional parameter. If the ID is specified, logs for that container will be displayed.

You can either provide the container name or container ID to identify the container for which logs need to be displayed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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