The command "popd +N" is used to remove directories from the directory stack in a shell environment.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
"popd" stands for "pop directory". It is a built-in command in shell environments like Unix, Linux, and macOS. It allows you to remove directories from the directory stack, which is a list of directories that you have previously navigated to.
"+N" is an option or argument that is specific to the "popd" command. The value of "N" represents the index number of the directory that you want to remove from the stack. In other words, it specifies how many directories to go back in the stack and remove from the top.
For example, if you have navigated through multiple directories and want to remove the second last directory from the stack, you would use "popd +1". This would remove the directory that was second last accessed and bring you back to the previous directory in the stack.