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popd: Remove the Nth directory (starting from zero to the right from the list printed with `dirs`).
$ popd -N
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The command "popd -N" is a command used in a command-line interface or terminal to navigate through directories and manage a stack of directories.


  • "popd" is a command that removes the top directory from the directory stack and changes the current directory to the new top directory.
  • "-N" is an option, which is used to suppress the normal change of directory when using "popd". It prevents the command from actually changing the current directory to the new top directory after removing it from the stack.

When you use "popd -N", it removes the top directory from the stack without changing the current directory. This can be useful when you want to remove directories from the stack but remain in the current directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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