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postfix: Start Postfix.
$ sudo postfix start
try on your machine

The command "sudo postfix start" is used to start the Postfix mail transfer agent (MTA) service on a Linux system. Here is an explanation of the different components:

  • "sudo" stands for "superuser do" and is used to run the subsequent command with administrative privileges. It allows the user to run commands as another user, usually the root user.

  • "postfix" refers to the Postfix MTA, which is a popular mail server software used for sending, receiving, and forwarding emails.

  • "start" is an argument given to the "postfix" command. It instructs Postfix to start running and initialize its operations, enabling it to send and receive emails.

When you execute the "sudo postfix start" command, the system will check if Postfix is installed and attempt to start the Postfix service. If successful, it will allow the server to handle incoming and outgoing emails.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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