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powershell: Start an interactive shell session.
$ powershell
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The "powershell" command is used to launch the Windows PowerShell command-line shell in Windows operating systems. PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and automation framework developed by Microsoft. It provides a command-line interface that allows administrators and developers to perform a wide range of tasks, execute scripts, and manage system configurations.

When you run the "powershell" command, it opens a PowerShell session where you can interact with the shell and execute PowerShell commands. This allows you to perform various administrative tasks, automate repetitive tasks, and manage system resources using PowerShell scripting.

PowerShell offers a rich set of commands, called cmdlets, which are specialized functions designed to perform specific tasks. It supports not only command-line input but also scripting capabilities, allowing you to write and execute complex scripts to automate complex operations or configure system settings.

Overall, using the "powershell" command allows you to access and utilize the powerful features of PowerShell, making it an essential tool for system administrators, developers, and power users on Windows platforms.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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