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powertop: Calibrate power usage measurements.
$ sudo powertop --calibrate
try on your machine

The command "sudo powertop --calibrate" is used to calibrate the power usage of your computer using the powertop utility. Powertop is a tool for monitoring and optimizing power usage on Linux systems.

When you run this command with sudo (superuser do), it grants you administrative privileges to execute the powertop command and access certain system resources. It ensures that proper permissions are granted to collect power-related information accurately.

The "--calibrate" option instructs powertop to perform power calibration. This involves gathering data about the power usage of different hardware components and applications running on your system. It helps powertop to provide more accurate power-saving recommendations and identify any power-related issues.

By using this command, you can optimize power usage on your Linux system, potentially leading to increased battery life on laptops or reduced power consumption on desktops and servers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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