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powertop: Tune to optimal settings.
$ sudo powertop --auto-tune
try on your machine

The command "sudo powertop --auto-tune" is used to automatically optimize power settings for a system using the powertop utility with root privileges.

  1. "sudo" is a command in Linux/Unix systems that allows a user with root privileges (also known as superuser or administrator) to execute a command as another user, typically the root user.

  2. "powertop" is a Linux utility that analyzes system power usage and provides recommendations for power optimization. It identifies processes, drivers, and settings that consume excess power and offers suggestions to improve power efficiency.

  3. "--auto-tune" is an option in powertop that enables automatic tuning of power settings. When this option is specified, powertop applies recommended power-saving changes without user interaction.

By running the "sudo powertop --auto-tune" command, the user gives powertop root privileges to automatically apply power-saving changes based on its analysis. This can help optimize power consumption and extend battery life on laptops, reduce power usage on servers, or conserve power on other Linux systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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